Inventions quiz

Inventions quiz - Try to answer all questions

Go ahead and try to guess, earn coins and open even more awesome quizzes to play.

In this quiz, we guess: Alexander Fleming, Alexander Graham Bell, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Archimedes, Benjamin Franklin, Brothers Wright, Charles Babbage, Galileo Galilei, Guglielmo Marconi, Igor Sikorsky, James Watt, Johannes Gutenberg, Karl Benz, Leonardo da Vinci, Louis Braille, Lumière brothers, Nikola Tesla, Samuel Colt, Thomas Edison, Tim Berners-Lee.

Квіз, де вам буде показаний винахід, а серед варіантів треба обрати винахідника.
Анна Кушнір2023-11-01

How to play

  • Connect. Can you find a correct answer? Find it in the list and don’t be shy to click it.
  • Swipe to the next. If you don’t know the answer – no worries, you can always go back and forth between the questions.
  • Earn coins. Each correct answer gives you 10 coins.
  • Spend coins. Open more awesome trivia and quizzes with the coins.
  • Compete Compare your results to other players via diagram.
  • Share Send your results to your friends and let them try to beat you. 😉

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