Can you name these Bowie Night songs from just a short music clip? Take our audio quiz and test your music knowledge!
In this quiz, we guess: Absolute Beginners, All The Young Dudes, As The World Falls Down, Ashes To Ashes, Blackstar, Cat People (Putting Out Fire), Changes, Dirty Boys, Fame, Five Years, Hallo Spaceboy, Heroes, I'm Afraid of Americans, Lazarus, Let's Dance, Life On Mars?, Little Wonder, Love Is Lost, The Man Who Sold the World, Modern Love, Moonage Daydream, Space Oddity, Starman, The Stars (Are Out Tonight), Sue, Suffragette City, Under Pressure, Valentine's Day, Where Are We Now?, Ziggy Stardust.
We prepare for Bowie Night 2024 and remember the best songs