1980s Cartoons - Guess them all

Guess 1980s Cartoons by frame :: Movie Quiz!

Test your movie and TV knowledge! Take the exciting quiz and guess the movie & TV by frame. 1980s Cartoons is waiting for you! Join the community of movie & TV lovers.

In this quiz, we guess: AKIRA, All Dogs Go to Heaven, An American Tail, The Black Cauldron, Fire and Ice, The Fox and the Hound, Heavy Metal, The Land Before Time, The Last Unicorn, The Little Mermaid, Macskafogó, Oliver & Company, The Secret of NIMH, The Transformers: The Movie, Доктор Айболит, Дострибни до хмаринки, Жил-был пёс, Капітошка, Остров сокровищ, Як Петрик Пʼяточкін слоників рахував, となりのトトロ, バンパイアハンターD, 火垂るの墓, 風の谷のナウシカ, 魔女の宅急便.

Анна Кушнір2024-09-25

How to play

  • Connect. Can you guess what movie did this image come from? Find the movie or series title in the list and don’t be shy to click it.
  • Swipe to the next. If you don’t know the answer – no worries, you can always go back and forth between the questions.
  • Earn coins. Each correct answer gives you 10 coins.
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