Test your movie and TV knowledge! Take the exciting quiz and guess the movie & TV by frame. Movies of 1999 is waiting for you! Join the community of movie & TV lovers.
In this quiz, we guess: 10 Things I Hate About You, All About My Mother, American Beauty, American Pie, Audition, Beau travail, Being John Malkovich, The Blair Witch Project, The Boondock Saints, But I'm a Cheerleader, Cruel Intentions, Election, eXistenZ, Eyes Wide Shut, Fight Club, Galaxy Quest, Girl, Interrupted, The Green Mile, The Insider, The Iron Giant, Magnolia, The Matrix, The Mummy, Notting Hill, Office Space, The Sixth Sense, Sleepy Hollow, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Virgin Suicides.