Supermodels in movies - Guess them all

Guess supermodels in movies  by frame :: Movie Quiz!

Test your movie and TV knowledge! Take the exciting quiz and guess the movie & TV by frame. Supermodels in movies is waiting for you! Join the community of movie & TV lovers.

In this quiz, we guess: A View to a Kill, Fair Game, Femme Fatale, Planet of the Apes, Quantum of Solace, Амбер Валетта, Бруклін Декер, Девон Аокі, Ель Макферсон, Емілі Ратаковскі, Жизель Бюндхен, Кара Делевінь, Кейт Аптон, Клаудія Шиффер, Лілі Коул, Мілла Йовович, Наомі Кемпбелл, Роузі Гантінгтон-Вайтлі, Тайра Бенкс, Шалом Гарлоу.

Maryna Babenko2023-12-11

How to play

  • Connect. Can you guess what movie did this image come from? Find the movie or series title in the list and don’t be shy to click it.
  • Swipe to the next. If you don’t know the answer – no worries, you can always go back and forth between the questions.
  • Earn coins. Each correct answer gives you 10 coins.
  • Spend coins. Open more awesome trivia and quizzes with the coins.
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